z jakiego miejsca na Ziemi tu zaglądasz? / from what place on Earth have you popped in?


wonderful rubbish / śmieciuchy!


while half of the girls is in Berlin, the other half....

... puzzle the things out.



^użytkownik a.saint-exupery wprowadził tekst^

"it is a question of discipline," the little prince said to me later on. "When you've finished your toilet in the morning, then it is time to attend to the toilet of you planet, just so, with the greatest care. You must see to it that you pull up regularly all the baobabs, at the very first moment when they can be distinguished from the rose-bushes which they resemble so closely in their earliest youth. It is very tedious work," the little prince added, "but very easy."

Zdawałoby się, że wytłuszczone zdanie dedykuję myśli ekologicznej i Zuzie.... ale nie, to by było za proste :)

and so now I don't know what is it more about - literally about the need of taking care of our planet...? or about my work which is always left 'for later' and grows bigger and more scary in time, just like baobabs do?

maybe this sentence was a reason why I've just been reading 'Little Prince' intead of pulling out the baobabs...?


some of the reasons of feeling happy

our snowman at Jiřiho

celebrating Miru's new hairstyle

counting guests of the Pasta Party

2 weeks of continuous contemplation of how good it feels to be here :)



and that's why it is worth to come back to Prague :)

for all the snow fights

and ice-snacks on the way to the party

and the snow-way to school

and observing ways of snow-prevention


new year rubbish


lala lala czyli zbigniew libera

Zbigniew Libera - one of the best known Polish contemporary artists. Within many other projects he designed a controversial series of dolls. here we go...

Ciotka Kena = Ken's aunt
(a nice modification of skinny Barbie doll:)

"The doll you love to undress"
(with lovely colourful intestines)

"you can shave the baby"
(shave the doll - didn't you ever want to do that?:)

a good piece of Art, ha? :-)


urodzinowy kwiat szronu

z zimowymi życzeniami piękna wokół Ciebie w każdym dniu kolejnego roku Madziu! :)


po nich przez nich do nich dla nich się wraca :)

/that is why I like coming back home - for them/ because of them /to them / with them]
żeby spacerować razem na mrozie po poPGRowskim Targówczanym polu

jeździć kolejką w przełomowych momentach (2009-2010)

jeździć po miastach na literę W. i napotykać widoki absurdalne

śpiewać razem kolędy wystukując rytmy na książkach

zdradzać ideały w McDonaldzie (na pociechę dłubiąc frytkami w paznokciach)

oglądać Liberę. i swoje czapki w lustrze Zachęty

oglądać w zbliżeniu szczypiorek podczas zakupów z Mamą

i zastanawiać się czemu tak wiele spotkań znowu nie doczekało się dokumentacji