z jakiego miejsca na Ziemi tu zaglądasz? / from what place on Earth have you popped in?


to (nie) jest kraj dla fajnych kobiet

"this is (not) a country for cool women"

siostrzana perspektywa na: małeprzyjemnosci.blogspot.com




travelling through the country to see Italian friend somewhere in Poland /6-7.08./

1 day trip of hitchhiking, trekking, talking to strangers, taking pictures of maps to find my way to Martino and his pilgrimage:) to talk, to walk 10?20? km together, to have a real italian pasta and a real italian lavazza and to know that any minute of effort is worth it :)

...bo chłopaki z bieszczad wzięli na pakę

- my only knowledge of how to get around Smardzowice.
got there JUST in time for the REAL freshly cooked italian pasta

and starting my way back again...